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Academic AdvisingAdvising


Every degree-seeking student at OSU is assigned an advisor to help them successfully complete their plan of study. OSU advisors are knowledgeable in the degree programs their advisees are pursuing, assist in developing their semester schedule of courses, and keep them on an efficient path of study. Upon admission to a program of study, students will receive an email notifying them of their assigned advisor, contact information, and directions for setting an advising appointment. First year undergraduate students are advised in the Office of Student Success. After completing the first two semesters, students transition to an advisor in their academic college listed below. Graduate students may contact their degree or certificate program through one of the Graduate and Professional programs.   


The following are student support services which are available to all students, including online students.


OSU Library
Anywhere Library Access 

Laptop Loans: Edmon Low Library offers laptop checkouts from the circulation desk. 


LASSO Center

The LASSO Center helps undergraduate students be more academically effective and successful in their OSU classes by offering free one-on-one tutoring and interactive Supplemental Instruction for select traditionally challenging courses.


Math Learning Success Center

The MLSC offers FREE tutoring for OSU and NOC students in all 1000 and 2000 level MATH courses and Linear Algebra, and some selected upper division classes.


OSU Writing Center

The writing center can help students understand and practice strategies for effective writing such as brainstorming to drafting to editing techniques. Online students who need assistance with their writing skills should contact the OSU Writing Center. One-on-one writing sessions are offered as well as asynchronous sessions to receive feedback on papers. 


OSU Career Services

Contact OSU Career Services for assistance with your job search. From resume design to interview skills, OSU’s Career Services office can help you. 



Academic Integrity


The OSU community takes academic honesty very seriously. Committed to instilling and upholding integrity is a core value for OSU. To that end, the campus has adopted an official Academic Integrity policy and procedure for addressing academic misconduct. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of the policy and consequences for violations of the policy. The OSU website has a resource page for students and faculty that provides extensive resources regarding the university policy and procedures.